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Report – Competing the Circle

Report – Competing the Circle

Moving away from policies that 'push' into the recycling system, to policies that 'pull' recycled material out, has the potential to transform the economic and environmental impact of materials. This insight is explained in a recent report called 'Completing the Circle' and published by Green Alliance, to which Chris McDonald, CEO Materials Processing Institute contributed.

Some of the measures described, such as taxes on virgin materials, would prove challenging for major materials producers and we need to be sure that UK business remains internationally competitive. However, the opportunity to enable the UK to lead on this, as in so many areas of environmental responsibility, is a prize worth pursuing.

The circular economy is a research priority, where the Institute develop new technologies and work with partners to realise value, reduce environmental impact and increase resource efficiency.

The full report from Green Alliance is available here:

25 June 2018