8th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy 2025

8th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy 2025 Jointly organised by
Materials Processing Institute
Armourers & Brasiers’ Company
Steel Society of IOM3
UKRI Innovate UK

This research symposium is for students, academics, researchers and industry involved in materials, metals and process improvement. The symposium gives universities, researchers and businesses the opportunity to find out about the latest thinking on ferrous metallurgy.

At the symposium PhD and EngD students will showcase their research with particular emphasis on the ferrous sector. Along with this will be keynote presentations from industry leaders, and an exhibition and poster display.

Date: Tuesday 25th February 2025

Time: 9:00am - 6:30pm

Location: Armourers’ Hall, Armourers & Brasiers’ Company, 81 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BJ

A research symposium organised by the Materials Processing Institute and supported by the Armourers & Brasiers’ Company and the Iron & Steel Society of IOM3.

The aim of the symposium is to:

Allow PhD researchers and university departments from across the UK to showcase their research.

Inspire academics and research students to engage in the research challenges of the steel industry.

Enable industry colleagues and academics to form strong and lasting networks.

Applications are welcomed from PhD/EngDoc students to present their research or be included as part of the poster display at the Symposium.

Who should attend

The symposium is open to students, academics and industry and is particularly relevant to students planning to, or currently working on a PhD, as well as university academics, researchers and industries involved in materials, metals and process improvement.

This research symposium gives PhD/EngDoc students, academics, industrial researchers and industry leaders the opportunity to showcase their research, attend presentations about specific research, find out about support available and network with one another.

Register to Attend

Click on the following button to access the symposium Eventbrite registration page.

Register to Attend Symposium

Presentation and Poster Opportunities

Applications are welcomed from PhD and EngDoc students to present their research or be included as part of the poster display at the 2025 Symposium.

Applications for presentations and poster displays can be made by completing the application form.

Prizes for Presentations

Best Presentation £300
Runner up Presentation £150
Best Poster £150

Please note, the deadline for applications for presentations and poster displays for the 2025 symposium has now passed.

Symposium Programme

The programme below is an outline only, this will be updated when the presentations and speakers are confirmed.

09:00 – 10:00 Registration, Poster Display, Exhibition and Networking

10:00 – 10:10 Welcome and Introduction

Terry Walsh, CEO, Materials Processing Institute

10:10 – 11:10 Session 1 – Theme – Product Development

Session Chair: Gill Thornton, Globus Metal Powders Ltd

Presentation 1 - Exploration of using ferrous alloys as radiation damage resistant materials for fusion
Presenter: Sophie Barwick (University of Sheffield)

Presentation 2 - 3D lattice strain quantification in neutron irradiated steels for fusion energy
Presenter: Lucy Fitzgerald (University of Birmingham)

Presentation 3 - Low activation bainite steel: design and microstructure
Presenter: Pengxin Wang (University of Leicester)

11:10 – 11:30 First Perambulation

Poster Display, Exhibition and Networking

11:30 – 12:30 Session 2 – Theme – Process Improvement

Session Chair: Professor Hongbiao Dong, University of Leicester

Presentation 4 - Effects of cold-wire gas metal arc welding (CW-GMAW) process variables on energy input and deposition rate during repair of S275JR structural steel
Presenter: Zahraddeen Musa (Cranfield University)

Presentation 5 - The impact of high recycled content on high formability products
Presenter: Freya Hamblin (Swansea University)

Presentation 6 - Ferrite grain size control via two-stage cooling for structural steel tubes
Presenter: Nathan Dixon (University of Warwick)

12:30 – 13:00 Bessemer Lecture – Designing steel for a sustainable low carbon future
Presenter: Professor Mark Rainforth, awarded the Bessemer Gold Medal for 2024

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

Poster Display, Exhibition and Networking

14:00 – 15:20 Session 3 – Theme – Structure Measurement and Property Prediction

Session Chair: Dr Richard Thackray, University of Sheffield

Presentation 7 - Correlation between electrical resistivity, ultrasonic measurements and microstructural changes in SS316 under high-cycle fatigue
Presenter: Maryam Izadi (Brunel University)

Presentation 8 - Preliminary galling data on DS11C using Imperial testing rig
Presenter: (Dominic) Chi Hang Kwok (Imperial College London)

Presentation 9 - A computational approach towards proactive scale management for steel pipelines
Presenter: Megan Kendall (Swansea University)

Presentation 10 - Influence of iron oxide corrosion on hydrogen uptake and susceptibility to embrittlement in pipeline steels
Presenter: Anthony Reilly (University of Strathclyde)

15:20 – 15:50 Second Perambulation

Poster Display, Exhibition and Networking

15:50 – 16:30 Keynote Speaker – Dr David Bowden CEng CSci
Presentation Title - Increasing the heat: Developing next-generation high-temperature steels to deliver commercial fusion energy
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Materials Science and Engineering - Group Leader,
Materials Division

16:30 – 17:00 Awarding of Prizes by the Armourers & Brasiers’ Materials Science Committee

1. Millman Scholarship
2. Ashok Kumar Fellowship
3. Poster Winner
4. Presentation Runner-up
5. Presentation Winner

17:00 – 18:30 Symposium Ends and Drinks Reception

Sponsored by

Main Sponsor

TATA Steel

Associate Sponsor

Henry Royce Institute

Poster Display Sponsor

UKRI Interdisciplinary Centre for Circular Metals

Drinks Reception Sponsor

Cast Metals Federation