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The course explores the principles of reheating in the hot rolling process. It is designed to gain understanding of the issues that arise with the equipment and the reheating process, and importantly the environmental aspects of the process.
On demand and instant access to the full course consisting of three modules.
To maximise learning it is recommended that each module is completed in sequence.
Full Course
(save $40)
Module 1
Background and Furnace Designs
Module 2
Reheating Furnace Operation
Module 3
Combustion and Environment
The course consists of three modules which should be taken in sequence in order to complete the full course.
Module 1 considers the need for reheating as part of the hot rolling of products and describes the most common designs of furnace used on operating plants, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages.
Operation of reheating furnaces are considered from how stock is loaded into the furnace, how the heating process for different stock sizes affects the rate heat needs to be input and how heat is transferred to the stock.
The heating process of the stock is considered with respect to the combustion process of the fuel used to generate the heat required in the reheat furnace. The effects of combustion are considered with respect to environmental effects and how efficiency improvements can be made to reduce the environmental impact including fuel substitution.
The main points considered in the course are the different designs of furnaces used and how they affect the heating process, how the furnace must be operated to ensure efficient operation and achieve the required temperature of the stock. In the final stages the fuels and combustion process in operation are described and how these can be monitored, and how the efficiency is improved to minimise the environmental impact and suggested options for fuel substitution in the future.
Areas covered:
The course is designed for both those with experience and those new to the reheating process. The course is structured to cover the basic ideas in the initial module and then moves to the more complex aspects in the later modules.
3 x 40 minute modules
Paul Kitson B.Sc., M.Sc., C.Eng., F.I.Mech.E.
Chief Engineer, Research
Paul Kitson has over thirty years’ experience linked to the Steel Industry. During these years he has been involved in the research and development of technologies for the improvement and optimisation of processes and products. The processes have ranged through Ironmaking, Steelmaking, Hot and Cold Rolling and Coatings.
In the products area it has involved both the section and flat products along with specialist products for particular industries. Some notable developments have been on-line predictive systems for hot rolled product properties, on-line monitoring of slow-moving equipment, and products for reducing noise in the railway industry; all of which he has presented at international conferences.
Enrol for the full course, or go through the modules separately (to maximise learning it is recommended that each module is completed in sequence).
Full Course
(save $40)
Module 1
Background and Furnace Designs
Module 2
Reheating Furnace Operation
Module 3
Combustion and Environment
$40.00 discount available when you purchase the three modules together.